
Awards Program (2024-25)


The club offers several awards to encourage participation and to recognise those who have demonstrated a high level of commitment and achievement in their sport.

All award recipients must be:

  • registered and paid up ‘Competitive Members’ of St George Little Athletics Centre and
  • meet the criteria specified below in the description of each award, and
  • meet the criteria specified in the Notes at the bottom of this page.

The set of athletes to receive one or more awards will be notified to parents in advance of award presentation events.  Please note that not all children receive an award.

Past Award Winners

Winners of awards in the “Club Competition” and “Perpetual” categories are listed in the Annual Reports posted on the Website.

Awards for the 2024/25 Season

Participation Award

This award is provided to those athletes for whom the “Friday Night Participation Criterion” has been met.

Satisfaction of this criterion requires that:

1- Upon completion of the season the athlete has attempted 65% of the events offered to his/her Age Group across the season


2- The athlete’s family/parents have performed the minimum number of parent helper signup duties we’ve specified for the season.

Notes Regarding Participation

  1. The 65% target incorporates an allowance for occasional illness/injury, family commitments, holidays etc.
  2. From time to time, athletes may want to attend athletics carnivals or other athletics-specific events held in locations and/or at times which would prevent the athlete from participating in one or more of our weekly Friday competitions.  In certain cases, we may credit the athlete’s STGLAC participation measure so that attendance at the carnival or other event does not prejudice their club participation measure.   Credit can only be requested via the application form which can be found here:   Forms


Representation & Service Awards

ZoneCompeted at Zone, but did not compete at Region
RegionCompeted at Region but did not compete at State
StateCompeted at State Championships
State Combined EventCompeted at the LANSW SCE carnival
State Cross CountryCompeted at the LANSW SCC carnival
State Primary Schools CarnivalCompeted at the LANSW SPS carnival
NSW State TeamCompeted at ALAC as a NSW representative
5-Years Service5 years registration at St George LAC
10-Years Service10 years registration at St George LAC
Club CaptainsFriday Night Participation Criteria met in the prior season.
At least 3 completed years at STGLAC (prior to appointment).
Commitment to regularly participate at Friday Night competition.
Commitment to be present during Representative Carnivals.
Demonstrated maturity and leadership skills.
A role model for younger athletes.
Athletic accomplishments at representative levels of competion.


  1. Club Captains (usually 1 x boy and 1 x girl) are appointed at the start of a season for a 1-year term and receive an award at the end of the season.
  2. Representative awards (Zone, Region, State, SCE, SCC, SPS, NSW State Team) are subject to the athlete having met the 65% event participation target at club meets.
  3. Athletes must be representing St George LAC to be eligible for a Representative award.


Club Competition Age Group Awards

Friday Night Age Group ChampionHighest points score in the Age Group based on 3 best performances in each event using LANSW Multi Points (IAAF) as calculated by ResultsHQ.
Friday Night Age Group Champion - Runner UpNext highest points score in the Age Group based on 3 best performances in each event using LANSW Multi Points (IAAF) as calculated by ResultsHQ.
Friday Night Age Group Improvement AwardSuperior Improvement over the season based on a PB measure calculated by ResultsHQ.
Not Champion or Runner Up.

Note Regarding Club Competition Age Group Awards

Every award in this category requires that the Friday Night Participation Criterion (see above) is met.


Perpetual Awards

State Combined Event
(Boy, Girl)
Awarded to the best placed athletes. If places are tied, the athlete with the higher normalised points is selected. [Normalisation will adjust for the case where older athletes perform more events and thus can earn more points.] If points are tied, achievements at other representative events will be considered.
Champion Junior Girl & Runner UpTop 8 finish in one or more events at Region Championships.
Performances achieved at club and representative levels.
Progression through representative stages
Participation & performance at NSWLA Cross Country, Combined Events, State Relays and at ALAC.
Champion Junior Boy & Runner Up
Champion Senior Girl & Runner Up
Champion Senior Boy & Runner Up

Note Regarding Perpetual Awards

Every award in this category requires that the Friday Night Participation Criterion is met.


Important Notes

  1. All awards are subject to good sportsmanship on and off the field.
  2. In respect of the Friday Night Participation Criterion – the minimum number of parent duties specified at the start of season 2024-25 is 8.  This number is subject to revision in certain circumstances for example if the number of club meets changes materially from that initially expected.
  3. The Committee may depart from elements of this program where to do so is deemed appropriate.
  4. Where circumstances prevent application of the stated criteria, the club may substitute alternative criteria or make no award.