Types of Records
“Ground Records” are the best results recorded by STGLAC athletes at our home ground, Olds Park.
“Centre Records” are the best results achieved by St George athletes at various representative carnivals. For more information, see: Centre (Away) Records
Ground Records
The following requirements must be met to establish a Ground Record:
For Field Events: The performance is witnessed by a club representative who holds a qualification for the appropriate event corresponding to Level 1 or better under the Australian Athletics Officials’ Education Scheme. Field Recording sheets must be signed by the witnessing official and one other adult supervising the event. At least one of these must have no familial connection to the athlete.
For Track Events: Where electronic timing is used, the time is verified by the Track Referee (or computer operator) after consulting with the starter to confirm no false start. (When ‘manual’ timing was used, 3 time-keepers were required, and the middle-time was taken as the race time.)
For Both: Ground records may only be set while competing in scheduled events during the athletics season (unless otherwise announced). The athlete must – in all respects – be competing in accordance with the guidelines set out here: Uniform
Note that we routinely allow mixed ages/genders to compete together (typically for track events) in the interests of efficiency and Ground Records may be set in such circumstances. However, in no circumstance may one athlete intentionally act as a ‘pacer’ for another, and Ground Records will not be recognised if the club concludes pacing was utilised.
Introduction of New Sets of Records
From time to time, a new set of records is established because of changes in Event definitions (eg. a change to the weight used for a given Event / Age Group). Eg. for 12 Boys, the Shot Put event was “Shot 3kg” up to and including 2017/18, then “Shot 2kg” from the 2018/19 season onwards.
In addition, St George determined (many years ago) that the introduction of electronic timing (e.g. replacing manual/hand timing) was grounds to introduce new track records. Consequently, for some track events, two results are presented in our listing of Records. In this case, these represent the best “electronically-timed” and the best “hand-timed” results. The earlier-dated result will usually be the “hand-timed” result.
These days, all track results are electronically timed. If a newly set record is the best electronically timed record, but there is a superior hand timed record, we designate the electronic record (on Certificates, in the Annual Report, etc) with the suffix “ET”. If the newly set Record is the best ever time, there is no suffix. Once an Electronic Record superior to the prior Hand-Timed record (if any) is established, the Hand-Timed record will cease to be current and will no longer display.
For some records, the exact date on which it was set is unknown. Where the date of a record is known only as the season (eg. “1997/98”), the date will be presented as the 1st of Jan in a year, eg. 01 Jan 1998 in this example. If the date is known only to the month (eg. 03/1999) the date will usually be recorded as the first day of that month, eg. 1 Mar 1999.
The table below presents Ground Records – despite the mis-leading heading!
For “Centre Records“, please see: Centre (Away) Records ]