Uniform Requirements
St George Little Athletics’ uniform comprises for all ages:
For Boys: Singlet (red & white stripes) plus red Shorts (available from SportsMagic)
For Girls: Either a Singlet or Crop Top (red & white stripes) plus either red Shorts or red (compression) Bike Pants or red Briefs (available from SportsMagic)
Options for Boys | Options for Girls |
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* To enquire about availability of briefs, email: uniforms@stgeorgelac.org.au
It is a requirement that the full STGLAC uniform (top and pants) and correct coloured undergarments (if applicable), are worn while competing during Friday Night meets, Gala Days and any LANSW official event. [We will of course allow a reasonable time for athletes to purchase and receive their uniform.]
Athletes not wearing the full STGLAC uniform (top and pants) and/or wearing incorrect coloured undergarments, will be ineligible to have their results (including records) recorded for that meet.
STGLAC merchandise or any other items worn between events or while waiting for a turn must be removed when performing an event.
New Uniform
The uniform (pictured above) was introduced at the start of the 2022/23 season. Uniform items acquired prior to 2022/23 may not be worn.
All components of the uniform bear the club’s logo and can only be acquired from our uniform supplier – SportsMagic.
Purchasing a Uniform
Uniforms are available for purchase directly from our supplier, SportsMagic.
SportsMagic will be on-site at Olds Park on two advertised days in August/September (see: How to Join) or you can place an on-line order with SportsMagic via the following link: STGLAC Uniform Orders .
If ordering on-line: you can choose to pickup your order from the supplier’s premises (at Chipping Norton, no charge) or delivery to your address (delivery fee applies). For a limited time only – you can select “club pickup” – and then collect your Uniform from SportsMagic at Olds Park on the pickup dates (see: How to Join) or subsequently (Friday evenings). You can also visit SportsMagic (by appointment) at their Chipping Norton location to check sizes and buy in person. For enquiries regarding sales/exchanges/returns, please contact SportsMagic: Email: sales@sportsmagic.com.au; Phone: 8303-6409.
Attaching Bib Numbers & Patches
The Registration (‘Bib’) number must be attached to the centre front of tops. Its red border must remain fully visible – no modifications can be made. The Age Patch is to be attached to the left front side of the uniform (preferably on the shorts) such that it is always visible. [If the Age Patch has an uneven edge, it can be slightly trimmed with scissors.] The Coles sponsor patch is placed on the top right-hand side of tops. (Left & Right with respect to the wearer.)
The following diagram(s) show correct presentation of the uniform including placement of the various patches.
Placement of Patches |
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It is preferable that Bibs and Patches are sewn on to uniforms. [They are not “iron-on”.] If a Bib is lost and needs to be replaced (ie. new number allocated) this will incur a $10 fee.
If not sewn, please securely affix the patches with several Safety Pins – eg. 4 for the bib, 2 for the Age Patch and 2 for the Coles patch.
We understand that some athletes may prefer to wear undergarments so we have the following ‘modesty’ option that can be worn underneath the STGLAC uniform.
Upper Body
Only PLAIN WHITE upper body undergarments are allowed. No logos, patterns or stripes allowed. The plain white upper body undergarment must be tight fitting and worn under the STGLAC uniform top (singlet/crop).
Lower Body
Only PLAIN RED lower body undergarments are allowed. No logos, patterns or stripes allowed. The plain red lower body undergarment must be tight fitting and worn under the STGLAC uniform pants (shorts/bike pants).
Athletes who wear black or any other colour undergarment other than stated in the above upper and lower body undergarment options will be ineligible to have results (including records) recorded.
If you wish to wear compression shorts on Friday nights you may do so under the STGLAC uniform shorts. If you wish to wear only compression shorts at championships events (Zone, Region, State) this will be accepted. The age patch must be appropriately attached. The only acceptable compression shorts worn on their own at championship events are the SKINS brand in the colour red.
The SKINS brand compression shorts (pictured below) are available from Rebel Sport, The Iconic or online from SKINS directly (see Skins Website ).
We’ve introduced a range of optional merchandise you might like to consider, including socks, a Hoodie, sun visor and a cap. Purchases can be made direct from SportsMagic at: St George LAC Merchandise
Shoes must always be worn during competition events.
Soccer/football boots or cleats may NOT be worn. Athletes won’t be allowed to compete in incorrect footwear.
Some athletes may wish to wear spike shoes in certain events, but these are by no means necessary or expected. The following rules apply to spikes worn at St George Little Athletics Centre events for indicated Age Groups:
- 6’s – 10’s may not wear spikes in any event
- 11’s – 12’s may wear spikes in track events conducted fully in lanes (100, 200m, 400m and Hurdles) only
- 14+ may wear spikes in all track events
- 11+ may wear spikes during Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump and Javelin
- For Long Jump / Triple jump (synthetic rubber surface) – you must ONLY wear Christmas Tree or Pyramid spikes with maximum length 9mm
- Different spikes are made for grass vs synthetic surfaces – be sure you have the appropriate variant
- Spikes must be removed and replaced with ordinary shoes at the end of a race or when completing the applicable Field Event
- Spikes are not to be worn anywhere except at the Track and at the relevant Field Events.
If your child is wearing spikes at an event when they shouldn’t be, they will be turned away and will not be allowed to compete.
Spikes can be hazardous. They should be carried in a protective spike bag.
For full LANSW rules applicable to LANSW carnivals, please see Rules of Competition (section 5.8)