

Reference Information

Championships & Events Offered in 2024/25 Entry Guidelines & Progression Rules The Entry Guidelines set the rules for athletes (8s to 15s) entering the NSW Individual Championship pathway (Zone, Region, State), and how progression to each level of the championship is determined.   Note that 16s and 17s do not “progress” to State, but rather enter the State Championships “directly”.  Athletes 13s to 15s have opportunities to progress to State in addition to performances at Region.   For details of all State-organised carnival and championship offerings, see the “Events Calendar” on the NSW Athletics website: NSW Athletics Events Calendar



NSW Combined Event Carnival 2024/25: 7s+
Age Groups:
Live Results Link:
1 - 2 March 2025
Griffith Regional Sports Centre
Event Information
Live Results
IntroductionParticipants in Age Groups 7s to 12s are regarded as partaking in a NSW Championship Event.

Each athlete undertakes a fixed set of events which vary by Age Group. 7s to 14s do 6 events, and 15s to 17s do 7 events. Each result is awarded a point score, and points for each athlelte are summed to determine winners in each Age Group. Competitors in the 15s Age Group are vying for selection to the Australian Little Athletics Championships (ALAC).
EntriesEntries will close on 19 February 2025. Entries are made directly with the Carnival organisers and not via STGLAC. Register via the "Information" link above. Cost is $40 per athlete.
NSW Junior Championships 2024/25 13s+
Age Groups:
13 - 16 March 2025
Sydney Olympic Park
NSW Junior Championships
More Information:See the link above for detailed information including How to Enter, Scheduling of events, maps of SOPAC and so on.

If you need assistance or have questions about any of the Championship carnivals, don’t hesitate to contact Michelle (championships@stgeorgelac.org.au).
LANSW HART Sport State Championships 2024-25 (9s - 12s)
Age Groups:
9s - 12s
22 - 23 March 2025
Sydney Olympic Park
LANSW State Championships
More Information:See the link above for detailed information including the scheduling of events, maps of SOPAC and so on. Entry to the State Championships is competitive – for each event, the top 2 athletes per Region, then (up to) the next best 8 from across the state will be selected (based on their performance results) – a maximum of 24 athletes per event. If you need assistance or have questions about any of the Championship carnivals, don’t hesitate to contact Michelle (championships@stgeorgelac.org.au).



Region 8 Championships 2024/25
Our Qualifiers:Region Qualifiers as at completion of Zone Championships. For Final Region Entry list, see the "List of Athletes Entered" below.
Age Groups:
Program Full:
Program Brief:
Athlete Listing:
Parent SignUp:
Live Results Link:
8s and above
1 - 2 February 2025
Sylvania Waters Athletics Track
Final Timetable
Full Program (71 pages)
Brief Program - Info & Event Times (14 pages)
St George Athletes Entered
Signup for your Duty
Live Results for Region
Introduction / How to Enter:The Region Championships is the next level of carnival above Zone. For Age Groups 8s - 15s, entry to the Region Carnival is competitive – and based on the performances achieved at the Zone Carnival. 16s and above may apply for direct entry. We are located in Region 8, which comprises our Zone plus the “Inner City Zone” (ICZ). The best performers at Region gain entry to the State Track & Field Championships, at which representatives from all 8 Regions in NSW compete. (16s and above gain access to the State Championships via a direct entry process.)
Fees:St George LAC will cover the carnival entry cost for each athlete entering Region (subject to a fee having been paid to enter Zone).
Parent DutyAs with the Zone Carnival, parents of athletes are required to support the carnival by performing a Helper Duty. Please choose your signup duty at Region using the "Parent SignUp" link above. [Get in quick if you want to find a convenient event at which to assist.]

Parent Helper Duty is mandatory for each Family. [Duties are not difficult and experienced persons will provide directions.] Refund of the Bond is dependent on a parent doing the required duty(s) at those carnivals in the championship program at which their child competes. (Eg.: Zone, or Zone & Region, etc.)

Note: Parents at a Duty:
- must wear enclosed shoes (no thongs, sandals etc)
- must not be minding a child
- must remain at the duty till it completes.
Join the Region Group in Team AppIf you have qualified for entry to the Region Carnival, please use Team App to request access to the Region “Access Group”. Instructions to do this are:

1. Open the STGLAC Team App
2. On the front, top right-hand corner, tap the settings icon (cog wheel symbol)
3. Scroll down to the ‘membership’ section
4. Tap ‘Access Groups’
5. Under ‘Available Groups’, tap REGION
6. In the ‘Access Request Message’, enter the full name of your child
7. Tap Send.
NSW Combined Event Championships 2024/25 (WIP): 13s and up
Age Groups:
Live Results Link:
13s and above
25 - 26 January 2024
Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre
Event Information
Link TBA
IntroductionThis multi-event carnival offers Pentathlon, Heptathlon and Decathlon formats.
EntriesAccess the Event Information link above. Entries close on Wednesday 13th January 2025 and are made directly with the Carnival organisers and not via STGLAC.
State Relay Championships 2024/25
Our Team:STGLAC State Relay Teams
Age Groups/Dates:
Event Info:
8s -12s (Sun 10 Nov) & 13s - 17s (Frid 15 / Sat 16 / Sun 17 Nov)
Sydney Olympic Park
State Relays 8s - 12s
State Relays 13s and above
Introduction /
How to Enter:
All events - both Track & Field - are team ("relay") events. Candidate teams will be drawn up by STGLAC based on athlete performances, and parents contacted to confirm availability of the relevant athletes to participate.

If you accept your selection into a team, it is most important that you attend and compete, as failure to do so will likely result in your team-mates being unable to compete also. Competitors must wear their full club uniform.

There is a $10 fee per athlete to enter this carnival. Please transfer this amount to St George Little Athletics (BSB: 112-879, Acc: 020 079 422) after you confirm your acceptance of a position in the team. Use Athlete Bib Number(s) as the reference.
Join the State-Relay Group in Team AppIf your young athlete has been selected for a position in a Team at State Relays, and you have accepted that place, please use Team App to request access to the State-Relay “Access Group”. Instructions to do this are:

1. Open the STGLAC Team App
2. On the front, top right-hand corner, tap the settings icon (cog wheel symbol)
3. Scroll down to the ‘membership’ section
4. Tap ‘Access Groups’
5. Under ‘Available Groups’, tap STATE-RELAY
6. In the ‘Access Request Message’, enter the surname of your child
7. Tap Send.

It's important that at least the parent who will manage the athlete's attendance at the carnival joins the group.
Key Track Info:It is a ground rule at SOPAC that if you are wearing spikes (allowable for 11s and up) in a Track Event AND you are the first runner, you MUST use Starting Blocks.

Here are some basic instructions on how to use blocks:
100m Straight Track
200m/400m Events
'Hart Sports' Zone Championships 2024/25
Our Entries:Zone Entrants List
Age Groups:
Events by Day:
Parent SignUp:
Live Results Link:
7s and above
6 - 8 Dec 2024 (Nominations close: 31 Oct 2024)
Sylvania Waters Athletics Track
See Timetable below
Full Program (with seedings) (59 pages)
Timetable (Event Times Only) (11 pages)
Parent Duty Signup Link
Live Results
Introduction / How to Enter:The Zone Championships - open to all athletes 7s & above - is the first interclub carnival in the pathway: Zone –> Region –> State Track & Field Championships. It is a carnival in which the clubs in the “Southern Metropolitan Zone” (SMZ) come together in competition. The best 8s and above performers at Zone will earn entry to the Region 8 Championships. (Athletes in the 7s do not progress from Zone.) Competitors must compete in their full club uniform.

We encourage as many athletes (7s and above) as possible to enter the Zone Championships! To enter, you must fill out and submit the Nomination form below (one per athlete) by no later than 5pm Thursday 31 October, AND you must pay the Fee and Bond amounts listed below by bank transfer.
Carnival Information:The Schedule (program) is above – both a full version including heat and lane assignments and a brief version just listing event times. Note the times in the schedule refer to the time of the event and are “Not Before” times. This means the event may run later than the time shown but will not run earlier (unless all athletes are present). The event may however be “called” earlier than the times shown, and athletes need to be available to respond when the event is called. The "Full Program" contains essential reading for every parent. The duties our club is required to fill are (or will be) posted in a SignUp (link is above). Parent duty is a mandatory pre-condition for return of the Helper Bond. The times shown in the SignUp are approximate as actual event times cannot be forecast with precision. Those not volunteering to do a duty forfeit their deposit.
$20 per Athlete, AND
$50 per Family (refundable, subject to conditions).

Please pay the above amounts to St George Little Athletics (BSB: 112-879, Acc: 020 079 422) immediately after submitting your nomination form. [If not received by the closing date for nominations, your nomination won't progress.]

Please make 2 bank transactions for your family:
- One for Fees,
- One for Bond.
Use Child Bib numbers as reference.
Parent DutyWe will let you know when the Parent Duty Signup is available.
At that time - please choose your signup duty at Zone using the "Parent SignUp" link above. [Get in quick if you want to find a convenient event at which to assist.]

Parent Helper Duty is mandatory for each Family. [Duties are not difficult and experienced persons will provide directions.] Refund of the Bond is dependent on a parent doing the required duty(s) at those carnivals in the championship program at which their child competes. (Eg.: Zone, or Zone & Region, etc.)

Note: Parents at a Duty:
- must wear enclosed shoes (no thongs, sandals etc)
- must not be minding a child
- must remain at the duty till it completes.
Entry Restrictions & Nomination Form7s to 11s can compete in up to 4 events and 12s and above can compete in up to 6 events. The club has a quota of up to 5 athletes in each event (per Age Group/Gender) for 7s to 11s (and no limit for older Ages). We retain the right to select athletes where nominations exceed our quota.

In choosing what events to compete in, take note of the "Order of Events" document (see above) - as that will guide you as to when (ie. the day and the rough ordering) the various events will run.

Nomination Form: Nominate an Athlete for Zone
Join the Zone Group in Team AppAFTER you have submitted the Nomination Form, and completed the above bank transfers, please use Team App to request access to the Zone “Access Group”. Instructions to do this are on the nomination form, and reproduced here:

1. Open the STGLAC Team App
2. On the front, top right-hand corner, tap the settings icon (cog wheel symbol)
3. Scroll down to the ‘membership’ section
4. Tap ‘Access Groups’
5. Under ‘Available Groups’, tap ZONE
6. In the ‘Access Request Message’, enter the surname of your child
7. Tap Send.

It's important that at least the parent who will manage the athlete's attendance at the carnival joins the group.